Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our tool.

We use Amazon's Product Advertising API to retrieve product information.

Products are updated every six hours.

We divide the price of the monitor by its screen size in inches to determine the price per inch, helping you compare value across different models.

Yes, you can filter monitors by various features such as resolution, refresh rate, screen size, brand, and more to find the best match for your needs.

Our algorithms filter and display only the best products to ensure you have access to high-quality monitors. Some products may not appear if they do not meet our quality or performance criteria.

Paying less per inch doesn't necessarily mean the product is the best option. It's important to evaluate other features such as resolution, refresh rate, brand reputation, and user reviews to make an informed decision.

The prices shown on our website do not include shipping and taxes, as these fees depend on your specific location. Many listings offer free shipping, especially for Amazon Prime members, but please check for any additional shipping costs before finalizing your order.